4 Tips to Optimize Your Connelly Skis Experience
There's nothing better that getting out on the water and enjoying a full day of water skiing. Whether it's learning a new trick or achieving a new personal best -- anything can happen on the water. To optimize your performance on the lake with your Connelly skis, follow these 4 tips to improve your performance -- regardless of your skill level.
Always Check Your Gear Before a Run
You’re only as good as your equipment, so make sure you’re not going to do some serious damage on the water first, or you will do it from learning the hard way. Regardless of your skill level, checking your Connelly ski equipment is critical. Starting at one end of the rope, inspect the line for any frays or weakened areas in the line. Pay careful attention to any knotting or sections that might have weakened due to dry rot over a long winter season.
Inspect the handle for any cracks, bends or breaks that might tear at the rope as well, it should be smooth and comfortable, without any sharp pieces. Pay careful attention to the grommets (where the handle attaches to the rope) and the ends. These are key areas that often become rotten after a long winter season.
When you’ve finished inspecting the rope, it’s important to consider how many sets and hours you’ve put on the rope last year. If you used the rope throughout the entire season, getting a new rope might be the best option.
Stay Mentally Alert and Control Your Connelly Skis
If you’ve got five-thousand things on your mind before we’ve even hit the accelerator, you’re going to be sloppy. Mental alertness is crucial for a skier wanting to control his pulls, handle his edging and keeping control of the Connelly skis.
Too many times an individual preps and heads out while thinking about something else – resulting in a bad spill as we head into the buoy. If your mind isn’t in the corner, your body’s not going to respond. Keep anything on your mind like conflict, annoyance, disagreements and fights on shore where it belongs.
Take it Slowly and Take a Step Back
As a skier, the drive to learn a new technique or jump can be a powerful motivator. That motivation, however; can quickly turn into frustration if it’s just not coming together the way you feel it should. If you’re struggling through a couple of roadblocks, take a step back and re-evaluate. Sometimes, it’s important to get back into the basics again and work on the fundamentals, before you go after the next level. Once you’ve landed the fundamentals, take a few hours to relax before jumping back into the water again. Often times, ending your current run on a high note, instead of a frustrated one is enough to kick you back up into the new technique when you get back out there. It’s always important to remember that skiing doesn’t happen overnight—consider how far you’ve come before you get upset about how little you’ve grown.